CIKC Events
Norma Smith Handling Seminar is March 9, 2024
One Day Handling Seminar Included:
Proper Stacking
Breed Specific Presentation
Ring Procedures
A Mock Dog Show
at the end of the day!
Participants learned the techniques to make them & their dog a winning team!
Champaign Illinois Kennel Club
March 9, 2024
Contact: Cynthia Nichols
Past Events
The CIKC sponsors one of the 3-days of the Central Illinois Cluster that is held in the new location at the State Fair Grounds in Springfield, IL the last week of April. We hold another day of showing in Oct at the Prairieland Classic Cluster, held at the same location. You can read more about these shows here: AKC Sanctioned Dog Show Cluster. A Fun Match is held during the year for those who wish to practice with their dogs in a show-like experience. This Match is held in the Champaign, IL area. The Club offers Conformation Classes or ring practice Work Nights three or four times a year for beginning and experienced handlers. These classes are held just North of Urbana, IL in a spacious climate controlled building. Along with these annual events, members of the CIKC assist the local community in finding responsible breeders for that “special dog†by maintaining an on-line Breeder Referral system. CIKC holds programs throughout the year with topics that have included chiropractics and acupuncture for dogs; various breeding & whelping problems; and judges, handlers, and AKC representatives speaking on a variety of topics. The CIKC has an interest in the community. In the past, we have donated funds to the Champaign County Humane Society, the Urbana Dog Park, the Champaign Police K-9 Unit, the U of I Veterinary School and the Champaign County Fairgrounds.
CIKC B-Matches
A Match is being planned for this fall check back for more information.
Each year the Champaign Illinois Kennel Club holds a Conformation B Match in the summer/fall to give exhibitors practice with their dogs.
Matches are a fun, relaxed "mini show" where people can bring their puppies or adult dogs and just have a good time with others while practicing their ring skills with their dogs. There are no points earned at a match, but it is great practice and a nice social time for all. Click here to see an example of our Match Flyer.
Responsible Dog Owners Day
In years past, CIKC had a “Responsible Dog Owners Day†information table at the annual Pet Extravaganza Day in Oct at Prairieland Feeds, Champaign, IL. The public event is for people to come and enjoy many different animal related venues, some of which were pony and draft horse rides, Scovall zoo animals, exotic birds, farm animal petting zoo and a tiger exhibit…most of these being rescue organizations. Along with that, they have many different booths for people to stop and learn about all the various animal related organizations that are in the area. CIKC members and their dogs were present there with information about responsible ownership of dogs, and of course member's dogs are more than happy to receive some petting and a few hugs from passer by’s.
The last few years we have set up our table as part of our B-Match. offering information on Responsible Ownership of Dogs, AKC events and activities owners can participate with their dogs, and local events that are in the area that are dog friendly.
Legislation Information
It is CIKC's intention to keep the general public informed on all dog-related government regulations being brought before legislators that may affect many, or all dog owners. In the past CIKC has sponsored information meetings to inform those interested about proposed regulations such as potential home inspections, increased costs to small breeders and hobbyists, limits on un-spayed female dogs, co-ownership of dogs in other homes, and the ability of a breeder to sell a puppy to another known breed fancier without an in-home-transaction.
Over the years, many bills have been proposed and some have gone before the legislators. If you have questions concerning proposed regulations, you may contact CIKC legislative liaison C. Nichols
CIKC Shows
You can get information on the clusters at (superintendent: MBF (
Health Days
The CIKC along with DTCCU hold a Health Days where anyone can bring their dogs for various tests; Heart, Eye, along with Vaccinations, Micro-chipping, Chiropractics and various other options for your K-9 companions.
This year's Health Day:
Health Day at the Dog Training Club Of Champaign Urbana is now being planned for later in 2023. More information will be posted as soon as it comes available.
Past Events:
Barn Hunt
Barn Hunt is the new and quickly growing dog sport catching fire across the country! Barn Hunt is based on the traditional roles of many breeds in ridding farms, barns, crop storage areas, and homes of destructive vermin. Some breeds were specifically created to fill this role, and for many of those breeds, Barn Hunt provides their first true opportunity for responsible breeders to test proper working traits in their dogs. Barn Hunt is also open to any dog of any breed or mix who wishes to play the game and can fit through an 18" wide by bale-height tall tunnel. Barn Hunt has titles, levels of increasing difficulty, and championships. Barn Hunt is an independent sport, but titles are recognized by both the American Kennel Club (AKC) and United Kennel Club (UKC). Get more information at:
CIKC in conjunction with the Prairieland Standard Schnauzer Club of Central Illinois held 4 Barn Hunt Trials in 2016 and 2017. You can get more info on Barn Hunts at:
Purbreds In The Pink

The Champaign Illinois Kennel Club has been proud of all the exhibitors, owners, judges & spectators that showed up wearing PINK to help celebrate our "PUREBREDS IN THE PINK" over the years. It was wonderful to see the rings flooded with pink in support!
All monetary awards were cash donations to the American Cancer Society in honor of the winning dog. Our Awards Table was full of pink items to browse through and all donations to Pinkie, the Perfect Pup, in celebration of his birthday each year made exhibitors eligible to win a Pink Prize at the end of the day.
Each year birthday treats such as “pink†cake, cookies, and“pink†lemonade were served at Group time.
Take The Lead
In 2016 we supported "TAKE THE LEAD" with an Ice Cream Social and Games following our Saturday show. All proceeds went to Take The Lead. We hope you will all research this wonderful foundation and join us with your contribution to such a great cause!